Matematika gyakorló feladatok élettudományi hallgatók számára |
János Karsai, József Eller |
Teaching material |
Mathematics |
HU |
2011 |
Matematika gyógyszerészhallgatók számára |
János Karsai |
Teaching material |
Matematika |
HU |
1996 |
A tudományos munka integrált informatikai támogatása |
János Karsai |
Teaching material |
Mathematics |
HU |
2010 |
Integrated informatics support of scientific research |
János Karsai |
Teaching material |
Informatics - Mathematics |
EN |
2012 |
Az életjelenségek leírásához szükséges matematikai ismeretek |
János Karsai |
Teaching material |
Mathematics |
HU |
2011 |
Final Tests: Computer Algebra Compact Course |
János Karsai |
Teaching material |
Mathematics |
EN |
2015 |
Számítógéppel segített matematikai modellezés - Zárthelyi dolgozatok feladatai |
Karsai János, Vajda Róbert |
Teaching material |
Mathematics |
HU |
2015 |
Exercises in Mathematics for Pharmacy Students |
János Karsai, József Eller |
Teaching material |
Mathematics |
EN |
2011 |
Zárthelyi dolgozatok gyűjteménye - Matematika gyógyszerészek számára |
János Karsai |
Teaching material |
Mathematics |
HU |
2015 |
Basic Math for Life Sciences |
János Karsai |
Teaching material |
Mathematics |
EN |
2011 |
Problems of tests - Mathematics for Pharmacy Students |
János Karsai |
Teaching material |
Mathematics |
EN |
2015 |
Mathematics for Pharmacy students |
János Karsai |
Teaching material |
Mathematics |
2012 |
3D papíron és képernyőn: Három dimenziós alakzatok képi megjelenítése |
Szilassi Lajos |
Teaching material |
Mathematics |
HU |
2011 |
Numerikus módszerek: Elmélet, Feladatok, Kísérletek |
Róbert Vajda |
Teaching material |
Mathematics |
EN |
2011 |
Dynamic Models in Ecology with Mathematica |
János Karsai, Éva V.P. Rácz |
Teaching material |
Mathematics - Ecology |
2013 |
Biostatisztikai Gyakorlatok R-ben - Biostatistics exercises in R |
Ágnes Méri |
Teaching material |
Mathematics - Statistics |
HU |
2013 |
On the Asymptotic Behavior of Spatially Implicit Models of Competition of two Species with Overcolon |
Irma Szimjanovszki, János Karsai, Éva V.P. Rácz |
Teaching material |
Mathematics |
EN |
2013 |
Matematika Előadások Élettudományi Hallgatók Számára |
János Karsai |
Teaching material |
Mathematics |
HU |
2015 |
Math lectures for Life Science students |
János Karsai |
Teaching material |
Mathematics |
EN |
2018 |
Visual Introduction to Bifurcations |
Zsolt Vizi |
Teaching material |
Mathematics |
EN |
2015 |
Symbolic Computation with Polynomials: Interpolating and Extremal Polynomials |
Róbert Vajda |
Teaching material |
Mathematics |
EN |
2015 |
Experimental Studies in Population Dynamics |
Attila Dénes, Gergely Röst, János Karsai |
Teaching material |
Mathematics |
EN |
2015 |
Partial Differential Equations: Theory and numerical methods |
Mónika Polner |
Teaching material |
Mathematics |
EN |
2015 |
Mobile tools in Math education |
Attila Máder |
Teaching material |
Mathematics |
2015 |
Calculus with dynamic geometry |
Arpad Takači, Djurdjica Takači |
Teaching material |
Mathematics |
EN |
2015 |
Partial differential equations: Basic facts in PDEs, Notion of week solution |
Marko Nedeljkov |
Teaching material |
Mathematics |
EN |
2015 |
Mathematica and Geogebra and parametric functions |
Radoslav Bozic |
Teaching material |
Mathematics |
EN |
2015 |
Visualized problems in the teaching topic "derivative of a function" |
Tanja Sekulic, Vanja Kostic |
Teaching material |
Mathematics |
EN |
2015 |
Zadaci za završni i inicijalni test - Tasks for the final and initial test |
Vladimir Francisti |
Teaching material |
Mathematics |
2015 |
Odabrane teme za radoznale srednjoškolce - Selected Topics for Curious High School Students |
Stefan Hačko |
Teaching material |
Mathematics |
2015 |
Computer-aided physics experiments with Biopac |
Péter Makra, Júlia Tandori, Olivera Klisurić |
Teaching material |
Physics |
2015 |
Computer-aided physics experiments with Edaq530 |
Péter Makra, Júlia Tandori, Olivera Klisurić |
Teaching material |
Physics |
2015 |
Edaq530 User's manual |
Péter Makra |
Teaching material |
Physics |
2015 |
Differential equations and their numerical solutions |
Mónika Polner, Gabriella Vas |
Teaching material |
Mathematics |
EN |
2015 |
With or without delay |
János Karsai, Zsolt Vizi, Eiiza Bánhegyi |
Teaching material |
Mathematics |
EN |
2016 |
Mathematical Models |
János Karsai |
Teaching material |
Mathematics |
EN |
2018 |