
Teaching material


János Karsai, Zsolt Vizi, Eiiza Bánhegyi

With or without delay

Kulcsszavak: ODE, DDE, linear systems, visualization, Wolfram Mathematica

Wolfram Mathematica has built-in commands to solve delay differential equation with constant delays both symbolically and numerically. In this workshop we will work on projects in which we first consider elementary  ordinary differential equations and then we introduce delays and compare the properties of them. We implement the methods in Mathematica studied in the morning introductory courses. The most important concepts are summarized in the poster attached.

Szükséges szoftverek:

Wolfram Mathematica

or read-only:

Wolfram CDF-player



Project 1: Introduction to the tools to study ODE's

Project 2: Introduction to DDE's

Project 3: Linear scalar DDE'S

Project 4: Nononlinear DDE'S, a complex modeling problem


Mathematica tools to study dynamical systems (rar)

Visual introduction to models with delay (poster)