
Teaching material


Vladimir Francisti

Zadaci za završni i inicijalni test - Tasks for the final and initial test

Kulcsszavak: mathematics, tracking achievement, testing student, ICT

Education is a driving force for economic and social development of every country. The students' future depends on the applicability of knowledge and skills built up during the educational process. Significant state resources, not just financial, but from the entire community are invested in the improvement of education, and students preparation for the life challenges. Technological developments have a strong influence on evolving education paradigms toward a teaching enhanced with information and communication technology (ICT). Many factors are influencing successful implementation of software for solving particular problems and inconsistencies in education practice and teaching approach. Within the education system in Serbia, students are required to participate in the national testing at the beginning and at the end of the school year (standardized tests that assess students' knowledge level). The goal of this teaching material is to show an example of such a test for fifth to eight grade and to show representative tasks in each of the tests.

The development is co-financed by the European Union in the frame of the project IPA HU-SRB/1203/221/024: Non-Standard Forms of Teaching Mathematics and Physics


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