Mathematics, Physics



János Karsai ed.

Collection on Non - Standard Forms of Teaching Mathematics and Physics

Kulcsszavak: Modelling, dynamic systems, mobile tools, dynamics tools, Edaq530, Biopac

The development is co-financed by the European Union in the frame of the project IPA HU-SRB/1203/221/024: Non-Standard Forms of Teaching Mathematics and Physics

Szükséges szoftverek:

Wolfram CDF player  or Wolfram Mathematica


Acrobat Reader



High School Math

Hačko S.: Odabrane teme za radoznale srednjoškolce - Selected Topics for Curious High School Students
Máder A.: Mobil eszközök a matematika tanításában (Mobile tools in Math education)

Undergraduate Math

Bozic R.: Mathematica and Geogebra and parametric functions
Francisti V.: Zadaci za završni i inicijalni test - Tasks for the final and initial test
Karsai J.: Matematika Előadások Élettudományi Hallgatók Számára
Karsai J.: Math lectures for Life Science students
Karsai J.: Zárthelyi dolgozatok gyűjteménye - Matematika gyógyszerészek számára
Karsai J.: Problems of tests - Mathematics for Pharmacy Students
Sekulic T., Vanja Kostic V.: Visualized problems in the teaching topic "derivative of a function"
Takači Á., Takači D.:Calculus with dynamic geometry

Graduate Math

Dénes A., Röst G., Karsai J.: Experimental Studies in Population Dynamics
Karsai J.: Final Tests: Computer Algebra Compact Course
Karsai J., Vajda R.: Számítógéppel segített matematikai modellezés - Zárthelyi dolgozatok feladatai
Nedeljkov M.: Partial differential equations: Basic facts in PDEs, Notion of week solution
Polner M.: Partial Differential Equations: Theory and numerical methods
Vajda R.: Symbolic Computation with Polynomials: Interpolating and Extremal Polynomials
Vizi Zs.: Visual Introduction to Bifurcations


Makra P., Tandori J., Klisurić O.: Computer-aided physics experiments with Biopac
Makra P., Tandori J., Klisurić O.: Computer-aided physics experiments with Edaq530
Makra P.: Edaq530 User's manual


Szeged – Novi Sad Winter School - 2015 (ed. J. Karsai)